I am excited to announce that I now have my federal US bird permit to rehabilitate all birds! It only took 8 months to get it after sending the application in January (!). One needs a federal permit for birds because they cross state lines, especially during migration. can you believe it?!
This little fellow was caught by the neighbour's cat. It was unclear what species he was- so hard to tell with little ones before their feathers come in. He looked to me like a Wood Trush, though may have been an American Robin. The cat's owner felt terrible and rushed it here right away. He was very hungry and for the first few days had to be fed every 15 minutes from sun up til sun down. I made a special baby bird food and also gave him soaked puppy chow and some berries.
I also put a mirror next to his "nest" once he opened his eyes so he would get used to seeing his own species, even if it was only himself!
But sadly, the little guy didn't make it. It's hard ot know what killed him. He may have aspirated some food into his lungs and contracted pnemonia, or there may have been internal injuries- his abdomen was a very dark colour, which may have indicated internal bleedingIt's hard ot know, but I'm glad that he had a last few quiet and warm days here.
A few days later I received a Ring Bill Gull with a terribly broken wing and he had to be put down. I hope that WTS has beeter luck with birds from now on!!
But the good news is that the neighbour has now put a bell on her cat's collar, which gives wildlife a better chance. See the WTS webpage on Cats & Wildlife for more information!