So much of wildlife rehab is learning as you go. No one ever told me to offer a bird a bath, but as of today I am going to start, Irving Berlin (the Rock Dove or pigeon in the picture) LOVED his bath this morning!
When I am in the animal room I leave his door open so he can fly around if he wants. He likes to fly, but he knows that his cage is a safe place and flies back there after a few minutes. So, he goes back and forth all day! He also seems to eat more when I'm around, and is getting calmer when he is handled. We are getting used to each other!
I brought her back to just where she was found. With adult animals it is best to release them where they know and have possible food caches and dens/nests. I hated leaving her in a slightly urban area with streets, etc. But it is where she knows. And yes, I was very worried as it is super cold and snowy...but that's what is sometimes tough about rehab: balancing keeping them in rehab and safe, and recognizing that they are wild and stressed out being kept in a cage. The lady in who's backyard she was left was left with lots of food and instructions to put lots out for her. And I left behind her cozy nestbox so she would have a place to stay before finding a proper squirrel nest!