The babies are getting bigger! They are about 6 weeks old now and are just starting on solid foods: grapes, squirrel chow soaked in formula, cheerios...but they still love their formula best of all! I m hoping to get them all grown up and released by Thanksgiving. It is late in the year to plan a release, but I will provide a shelter for them and food so they can always come and go if they like. You can see that their tails are getting fluffy and they are becoming more active and playful. They've come a long way!
And what else has been going on at WTS???
The opossum teenagers have been visiting on some nights....
I sold my hair for $800!!!!
That's going to save a lot of animals!!
Including the little chipmunk who came in today after being caught by a cat- Wild Things' 90th patient!!
I attended the New York State Wildlife Rehabilitation Council 2008 conference up at Niagara, NY. It was great! I always learn so much- from the talks and from talking with all the other rehabilitators. There are lots of inspiring stories and lots of people willing to help. A BIG thanks to all the wonderful members of the Squirrel Board who helped me look after the baby squirrels while I went to talks. I also received a scholarship from to attend the Rabies Vector Species course, which is a requirement for those wishing to work with raccoons, skunks & bats.
I also received a very special invitation at the conference. Does everyone remember Radar the blind fawn that came to WTS a few months ago?? He has found a wonderful home at an amazing deer sanctuary run by a deer rehabilitating guru! He is doing absolutely GREAT!!! See picture below. He runs and leaps around and has a girlfriend named Cookie Doe. Cookie was blind due to a vitamin deficiency, but her sight was restored with a proper diet. However, a car accident left her with a badly broken jaw. She arrived at the sanctuary a day before Radar, so they are the same age. Radar was neutered so they can be buddies and stay together always! You would never know that he was blind he runs around so well!